Powerhouse Code of Conduct

Powerhouse Athletics' code of conduct and respect pledge outlines the rules and expectations of all coaches, athletes, instructors and team administrators who will use our facility. This code of conduct also highlights Powerhouse Athletics' values and the expectation that all users respect and honour them.


Buffer time

  • Coaches, instructors, team administrators and athletes can enter the facility 10 minutes before the booked start time.

  • Fifteen minutes before the booked time ends, practices and training should wrap up, and all equipment should be removed from the space.

  • Ten minutes before the booked time ends, the netting around the area will be opened for users to leave and the subsequent users to enter the space.

Damage to equipment

Suppose coaches, instructors, team administrators or athletes use Powerhouse Athletics equipment and damage occurs. In that case, the cost for the replacement will be the responsibility of the organization that booked the time. Powerhouse Athletics will source the replacement equipment and notify the booking organization of the cost.


Coaches, instructors, team administrators and athletes will maintain respectful noise levels during training sessions, specifically when playing music. While music is a key part of most training programs, overly loud music can disturb or make it difficult to hear instruction in other areas of the Powerhouse Athletics facility. Considerations should be given if users are asked to lower or turn off music. Powerhouse Athletics staff can determine whether noise levels are accurate and ask users to turn off music.

As we are a multi-sport training facility, we are building a community of coaches, athletes, and teams; therefore, respecting noise levels will help us all work together for the growth and overall success of the athletes.

Appropriate music

Any music played within the facility must be appropriate, considering the various age levels and proximity of other athletes within the space. Any music that includes profanity, racist, sexual, or derogatory and explicit lyrics is not allowed to be played in the facility. A simple guideline would be to follow Canadian public radio standards for content. The Powerhouse Athletics staff retains the authority to determine if music is appropriate for play.

Language and appropriate speech expectations

Coaches, instructors, team administrators and athletes will conduct themselves respectfully and professionally, refraining from using profanity, offensive language, or any form of hate speech within the Powerhouse Athletics facility. Should this code be broken, Powerhouse Athletics staff retain the right to ask a user to leave the facility and determine if access will be reinstated. Powerhouse Athletics has zero tolerance for hate speech. 

Wi-Fi access

Powerhouse Athletics provides complimentary Wi-Fi access. Coaches, instructors and team administrators must use 'PULSE PH' with the password 'ice cream'. Athletes must use 'PULSE PH GUEST' with the password 'free wifi'’  All users connected to the Wi-Fi network must engage in appropriate and lawful internet browsing, refraining from accessing or sharing any illegal or explicit content.


Powerhouse Athletics is a food-free facility. Only water or sports beverages in sealed containers are allowed. There are tap-only, cashless Gatorade vending machines on-site. Powerhouse Athletics is not responsible for operating and maintaining the Gatorade vending machine. It will not provide refunds for any incorrect charges.


Outdoor shoes are strictly prohibited inside the facility. Participants must wear appropriate indoor athletic footwear. Outdoor footwear is to be left in the designated areas on the provided shelving. While outdoor footwear is stored within the facility, Powerhouse Athletics is not responsible for lost or stolen footwear.

Artificial turf use

No cleats with metal studs are allowed on the turf.

Lost and found

Coaches, instructors, team administrators and athletes must collect all items at the end of booked time. A designated Lost and Found bin for unclaimed items will be near the front desk. At the end of each month, unclaimed items will be donated. Powerhouse Athletics is not responsible for finding the owners of lost items or items lost or stolen.

Respect Pledge

Rooted in our values, Powerhouse Athletics asks coaches, instructors and team administrators to review the respect pledge with their athletes before training at the Powerhouse facility.

  • I agree to act with respect toward all those I come into contact with through sport.

  • I will refrain from comments or behaviours that are abusive, offensive, racist, sexist, or otherwise belittling to others. 

  • I will not harass or tolerate harassment by others. 

  • I respect others as persons and treat them with dignity. 

  • I appreciate the privacy of others. 

  • I do not endanger the safety of others through my actions. 

  • I act with fairness and integrity in the pursuit of excellent sport.

  • I will not impede the training of other athletes.

  • I accept and will adhere to the Powerhouse Athletics code of conduct.

  • I will respectfully comply with the reasonable requests of Powerhouse Athletics staff.